


“WEB” has been leading teams and directing creative for over 25 years. His experience as a creative director for Fingerhut, Best Buy, Star Tribune, and two fantastic agencies gives him a unique perspective and a keen instinct for what works and what does not. Louis Sullivan, the famous industrial designer coined the phrase "form follows function". This idea has fueled his creative direction since his graduation from MCAD in 1990. It's simple, design should be no more and no less than needed, to convey the essence of the idea. With this lens as a guide, trends do not apply. 

Working shoulder to shoulder with talented creatives for many years, he has helped produce award winning work for clients like Target, 3M, Sony, US Bank and TIVO. Always one of the first into the shop each morning (so that he can obsessively organize his desk), His love of Russian Typography, at times causes him to use ALL CAPS in emails. He does not allow the word “like” to be used in defending creative concepts and always asks “is this on brand.” He hones even the smallest details of every project. WEB is a movie addict. He knows that a man is defined by his footwear and an ability to cut thru the crap. His mini WEBER grill is full of Extra Polar Ice Gum. His car is always clean and he is still learning to wait on a curve ball.


Kris Dunlap
Creative Director, Senior Copywriter at Bold Orange 

I have worked with Web at three different companies, beginning at the Star Tribune many years ago. It was there that an amazing working relationship and a lifelong friendship was developed. I have had the pleasure of working alongside Web and experiencing his rockstar creativity, and then later, watching him grow into an incredibly talented creative director. What I love most about him is his ability to relate to people. He cuts through the corporate speak and communicates from the heart. He listens and truly cares, two rare qualities in this world. I always know I can count on him. He is also funny as hell — no one can make me laugh harder! If you are lucky enough to work with Web, and even better, count him among your closest allies, then consider yourself one of the luckiest humans on the planet.


Nahil Khalife
Creative Director at Mikado International

I've worked with many talented people throughout my career but WEB is the only creative director who taught me how to be resilient, think outside of the box and always do everything to the best of my ability. We worked together for almost three years developing successful campaigns across different mediums from brand identity, print, outdoor, shopper marketing and digital. He was always the FIRST in the office ready to roll his sleeves and get the job done on time, every time. We worked together on RFPs under extreme deadlines putting together decks in no-time. WEB was always there to guide and make sure we meet every objective and that nothing falls through the cracks. He's a strong yet humble leader who is always there for his team no matter what. WEB is a fast-thinker, a problem solver, and ready to pitch anything with 100% confidence!


Lauren Theobald
Director, Marketing Residential AV

Where can I begin? Chris will be an irreplaceable employee no matter where he goes. While at MoCo he spearheaded multiple projects for us and without a doubt met and exceeded our expectations on every one of them. He is a visionary and is extremely passionate, an expert and a perfectionist at his craft.


Jesse Roehl
Creative Leader at Possibility Powerhouse

Chris was an excellent supervisor and partner in our time together at BlueStem. He pushed me creatively and fought passionately for our ideas. Chris has the experience and personal skills that made him an excellent partner across the organization. With years of creative direction experience across agency and corporate settings Chris brings a lot to the table!


 Mallisa Misemer
Graphic Designer

Chris is extremely focused, driven, AND down to Earth with a fantastic sense of humor—which is a rare find in the creative world. He's a natural educator of the art of design when working on any project as he's one that guides and collaborates—never demanding. Chris is highly passionate and always sharing screen shots, links, videos, copies, and photos of what intrigues him. Anyone lucky enough to work with him will become a better designer for it. I hope our paths cross again soon because I have enjoyed every single moment working with him. 


Mary Lou Hidalgo
Copywriter and Messaging Strategist

There's no shortage of opinions, bluster, intelligence, humor, hard questions, carefully thought-out answers, experience, straight-shooting or ALL CAPS with Web. Getting the job done will never be quite as fun as under his leadership--and the product of the team's work will be on-strategy, well crafted and a slick presentation to boot.


Tanya Cook
Art Director

Chris stood out as a true creative mind at Best Buy. He placed trust in his team members and promoted personal development. He had the ability to look past political concerns and focus on the task at hand - delivering quality design to consumers that visit our store. I learned a great deal from working under Chris, and am grateful for the opportunity.


Nicole Garayalde
Graphic Designer

I met Christopher during the 2011 AIGA MN Portfolio 1 on1, where he was assigned to review my portfolio. He was the only reviewer to tell me his own story, encouraging me to pick his brain based on his life experiences. I felt like I was being treated more like a peer, which was refreshing and empowering. The feedback I received regarding my portfolio was pertinent and helped me to develop a more dynamic layout. Overall, Christopher was the most helpful of my four reviewers during 2011 AIGA MN Portfolio 1 on 1.



